
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Action stations!

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got" 

Depending on which google answer you prefer, this deliciously insightful sentence belonged to either Henry Ford, Anthony Robbins or Albert Einstein... but as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't make a lick of difference whose mouth it came out of - what matters is the sheer truth of it!

You may come to notice that when I get excited about new ideas I tend to get a bit ahead of myself... like starting a blog and talking about getting organised without backing up said blog for 10 days haha!
Then yesterday it kind of hit me that I was feeling all frazzled and stressed and was in a pretty negative mindset.  I started to question why I wasn't feeling awesome after doing so well with 'getting organised' and talking about doing all these things. 

Then it dawned on me what part of the problem might have been...
I mean, I couldn't be 100% sure, but it was possible that maayyybe I wasn't feeling that awesome because I wasn't DOING ANYTHING DIFFERENTLY!! Bah.

That first week when I put up the blog - I felt really fricken super!  "Look how awesome I'm being... I made my lists and I'm doing good things... I feel awesome!"  I was starting to do really good things and I was feeling great!
But I lost sight of all that when I let a bunch of stress and pressure get on top of me.  My head was swimming with all the things going on - but instead of using my mad skills and knowledge about dealing with stress, I reverted back to old habits and just took everything on board and carried it all around with me.  Ouchies, my shoulders are still sore!

It was a good thing to become aware of though and I can't believe how easily you can slip into old habits without even realising.  Good to know!  So I'm back on track now - the wall chart's going to be full of ticks again and stress be damned!!  I'm not interested today thanks.

Wall chart you say?  Yes!
So I've got a few tools that I've created to use in order to help me along the way.

I find having tools like these keep me from having to try and store everything in my head!  You know how it is some days when you've got a few things on your mind and you drive yourself batty thinking about them.
Make a list.

I've got a checklist printed out and posted up on a notice board in one of our main living areas to remind me of the things that I aspire to do daily.  It's not a 'challenge' (for those who know of the Half Dozen Challenge lol) but acts as more of a reminder while trying to form the habits.

Looks like this:

I just reviewed the list though and my shiny new version goes like this:


Water 2L


Booze Free (a couple of dots is fine, let's not get carried away)


Bed by 11pm


I find using this a really simple way to help keep me on track.  It takes a lot of that niggling worry factor out as well because it's all written down in front of me - I don't have to keep a mental checklist because I have a real one.  My brain can get busy doing other things!

You'll see there's a 'Tools' tab at the top of the page - this is where I'll upload things as I go that I think others might find handy like menu planning templates, an easy to use budget planner and a few other handy bits n pieces.  
Please feel free to download anything that you might find useful :)

All that as well as a whole post about meditation still to come... I can assure you the next post won't be 10 days in the making haha

I'm leaving you with another quote (I've been very inspired this week).  
The author of this verse cannot be disputed and is most certainly the magnificent Dr Seuss (haha.. didn't you just want to add "ted" to the end of Seuss to make it all rhyme... however, I digress);

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