Today there was a post that I came across;
"3 Things That Have Transformed My Life"
written by the fantastic Jess Ainsclough of The Wellness Warrior, a site that I find inspirational and full of positivity.
In this post, it was the very FIRST point that Jess makes that really made me stop and pay attention - so much so that I want to share it with you here;
"1. Making all decisions and acting only from a place of self love
Self love is the foundation we need to lay down first, so that all of
the other elements of a wellness plan stay in place. Without self love,
everything crumbles and wellness isn’t sustainable.
If we aren’t acting from a place of self love, we are acting from a
place of fear or self loathing. Instead of doing things out of love, we
do things because we think we should do them. This is impossible to
maintain, and it’s not much fun either. I’m all about fun.
In the beginning of my journey I was doing things like juicing and
meditating because I was afraid of what would happen if I didn’t do
them. Everything shifted for me when I started doing these things
because I love myself so much that I want to reap the amazing rewards of
a super healthy lifestyle.
When you garner a deep inner respect for yourself, you actually want to treat yourself with radical kindness.
To kick off a love affair with yourself, you can just start by
looking at yourself in the mirror and saying “I love you”.
Do this for
30 days – get over the weirdness of it – and you will start to
experience very subtle, but miraculous shifts in the way you treat
I'm pretty sure if you had been in the room when I read that you totally would've seen the light bulb flash on above my head!
I believe Jess is onto something with these 3 Things - I think my goals and aspirations are on the right track...but I haven't been straight with myself about my motives and what's driving me.
And so I learn another lesson (this stuff's hard sometimes!)...
I gotta check myself before I wreck myself!
It's time to sit back and take a snap shot of MY LIFE RIGHT NOW - where I'm at, how I'm feeling, what's going on, making sure I'm on track with goals I've set or if I need to adjust them - basically I need to check in and make sure I'm being true to myself. I need to be self-aware so I am confident in that my actions are a reflection of what my true needs/desires are.
Whoa. Heavy.
It's kinda true though - it really is quite important to check in with yourself and reassess what's what on a regular basis.
Again, this is stuff that I know a lot about in theory from my studies but it's only now that I'm really starting to apply these things that I'm gaining an even deeper appreciation for the power of meditation, positive thinking and planning!
I'm really excited about the things that are happening in my world right now and I'm grateful I've got the opportunity to teach and pass this knowledge of empowerment on to others.
Right, I'm off to look in the mirror and say "I LOVE YOU"!
Why not... what have I got to lose? :)
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